A Testimony from Wendy Martin

Wendy Martin, who joined Sharpening Ministries in 2021 to launch the women’s ministry wing of our disciple-making ministry, has a word for us about embracing the great commission and realizing our true purpose on this earth. You can check out the video below or read a transcript.


I will tell you, once you get this, you can’t “unget it.” Once you recognize your role as an ambassador it is life changing forever. And when you realize that you’re going to stand before the Lord and give an account of what you did with your walk with Jesus, it becomes real.

So we’re very grateful to the training that Jeff and I have had over the years through Men Sharpening Men and Downline Ministries just to understand the mission and the mandate - and how to do it! Because discipling is one of the most refining things you will ever do besides marriage, ha!

Marriage is refining enough but once you start discipling men and women you get in the muck with them. If you really do it and you’re doing life on life, you’re experiencing their highs and their lows.

But it is so joyful to see the lightbulb go on for a believer - who’s been a believer for thirty years - and their like, “Wow, there’s so much more that I didn’t know about!”

Larry Watkins

Alongside most men is a great woman who loves God and others extremely well. Gwen and I met in college and were married in 1986. A true gift from God Himself. He blessed us with three great kids and now four grandkids.

If you’re a man in Northwest Arkansas and you want to connect to a men’s ministry, please email me. Men need marriage help, career help, and help in their relationships with Christ. I want to come alongside you and help you be a standard bearer for the generation following you.


How To Intentionally Share The Gospel


Missional Living