Man U & Woman U
There’s never been a better time for you to be equipped to be the ambassador God has designed you to be.
We train men and women for real life impact.
We seek to train Christ followers to be disciple makers in their family, at their work place, and in their neighborhoods.
According to 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 if you are a Christian you are known by God as one of His ambassadors, and you have the responsibility to share the Gospel with the people around you.
Are you prepared for that task?
And what about when the person you share with comes to faith in Christ, are you prepared to disciple them?
That’s why we do what we do.
We have new cohorts starting every Fall. Don’t miss the next one.
We have Man U and Woman U groups meeting throughout Northwest Arkansas.
“I always left refreshed and refocused on what is truly important - growing more Christ like.”
Tom McDonald
“I was ruined for the ordinary when I discovered what my role as an ambassador of Christ really meant.”
Wendy Martin
“I loved growing closer to the Lord alongside men who are wiser and more qualified than me in most areas of life!”
Zack Tadlock
So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:33
Men’s Groups
Our Fayetteville group meets on Tuesday mornings from 5:45-7:15. Contact Larry for more details.
Our Springdale group meets on Wednesday mornings from 5:45-7:15. Contact Larry for more details.
Our Rogers group meets on Thursday mornings from 5:45-7:15. Contact Larry for more details.
Women’s Groups
Our Fayetteville group meets on Tuesday mornings. Contact Wendy to get involved.
Our Springdale group meets on Tuesday evenings. Contact Wendy to get involved.
Our Content
Our content is designed to move someone from being a brand new Christian to being someone who is sent on mission to share the Gospel and make disciples themselves.
We start by helping Christians become secure in their identity, we help them strengthen their relationship with the Lord to follow Him closely, we resource them with skills so they can labor faithfully, and we teach them what it means to be sent to make disciples.
Everyone who goes through Man U or Woman U will have a chance to walk through this content.
Our Leaders
Larry Watkins leads the men and Wendy Martin leads the women. You can email both of them by clicking on the respective buttons below.
Are you interested?
Our discipleship strategy is designed to be relationship driven, flavored with content. We gather for time in the Word of God and practice the with me approach.
As part of our normal routine, we seek to sharpen one another in knowing, reflecting, and reproducing Christ with intentionality.
We are apprenticeship driven. While we have excellent content, we’re not only focused on academic growth in our training.
If you’re serious about your desire to grow in your faith, be connected to a community of likeminded men or women, and you’re ready to take the step into Sharpen U please contact us.
We’ll send you the information you need to get started and potentially join our next cohort.